The mission of the Russian Piano Festival/Competition is to expose piano students to the wealth of Russian music heritage, to provide a high-quality performance opportunity, and to create a unique experience for the community.

The competition provides the opportunity for students (age 5 through college/adults) to perform before a judge, compete with other students, and challenge their skills for further musical growth. The entire experience is open to the public so competing students will also have a chance to perform before an audience.

The competition is open for students to apply in solo, chamber music, and concerto categories.

This competition is unique and offers first place winners opportunities to perform at Gold Medalists’ Gala concert (Mercer Island Presbyterian Church), Benaroya Nordstrom Recital Hall, King FM classical radio station, local orchestra, scholarships and benefit events.

2024 Russian Chamber Music Foundation Competition

All instruments welcome! Piano/Strings/Woodwinds/Brass/Voice

LOCATION: Mercer Island Presbyterian Church, 3605 84th Ave SE, Mercer Island, WA 98040

COMPETITION DATE: Saturday, December 14, 2024

WINNERS ANNOUNCEMENT ON WEBSITE: 9 pm, Saturday, December 14, 2024

GOLD MEDALISTS’ CONCERT: Sunday, December 15, 2024, 2:00 pm and 3 pm

REGISTRATION PERIOD: October 1st, 2024 to December 1st, 2024. All ages below as of December 1st, 2024.

See our general information page for rules and application!

5 Thoughts to “Competition”

  1. Melissa Yang

    Inquiry: Russian Piano Competition Registration Information
    I am writing to inquire about the registration information for the upcoming Russian Piano Competition. I have been searching diligently for the registration form and associated details, but unfortunately, I have been unable to locate them. Could you kindly provide me with the necessary information to register for the competition? I would greatly appreciate any assistance you can offer in this matter.

    Thank you so much! I appreciate your help and support!

    1. Megan Lu

      Hello Melissa! Our application is now live on the website. You can find it under the Competition tab.

  2. Chen Wang


    Hello, thank you very much for your patience and time. My name is Chen, and I am a saxophone teacher in the Seattle area(DMA Saxophone Performance Major from UW SoM). Some of my students would like to participate in the BRASS, WIND, VOICE, MISC – 14 and older (NO concertos, up to 10 minutes) – Fee $90 category this year. Could I know how to assist my students in registering for this competition?

    Thank you for your guidance.

    1. Megan Lu

      Hello Chen! Our application is now live on the website. You can find it under the Competition tab.

  3. Chung

    Hello Megan,

    Can you please tell me here can I submit the link for the concerto competition? I have submitted and paid for the application.

    Thank you,

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